Window Cleaning
What are the types of window cleaning services provided?
October 01, 2021
Window cleaning is an essential thing when it comes to home maintenance. Dirt, dust and grime usually tend to
settle on windows over time if they are not regularly cleaned. In Sydney, for gutter cleaning, invest cleaning
trained window cleaners use truck mounted unique vacuum systems that can clean gutters thoroughly and extract
the debris.
If you having regularly scheduled professional window cleaning every month, you'll reduce the risk of
bacteria buildup as well as allergies such as asthma caused by excessive dust exposure. Dirty windows can also
decrease the amount of light that enters a space, which is why it's essential to keep them clean and
Regular window cleaning is very important because it helps to remove contaminants and pollutants that have
stuck on the glass and have prevented natural light from penetrating inside. Window cleaning should be
undertaken whenever the windows become dirty, but at a minimum of once a year. This will help to keep them
looking as good as possible, which can significantly improve the atmosphere within the building. When you
clean your windows, it is vital to use the proper tools to accomplish the job. At invest cleaning service we
keep environmental contaminants like acid rain, hard water, and oxidation off of your window panes so that we
serve you for longer. At invest cleaning we thoroughly clean all the edges of the window. You can believe us
completely. At invest cleaning service we provide more than just window cleaning. We also look carefully at
your window integrity and indicate the importance of promptly repairing any loose or broken window casings,
lose or cracked windows, and any wood rot on window sills.
Our windows cleaning categories are; -
- Commercial window cleaning.
- Covid-19.
- Germs control by disinfecting.
- Deck and patio cleaning.
- Residential window cleaning.
- Soft washing.
- Polishing and window maintenance.
Commercial window cleaning
Dirty windows can also decrease the amount of light that enters a space. Overlooking commercial window
cleaning can have a significant impact on your business. Working with professionals like invest cleaning
service offers multiple benefits that are invaluable. The first thing customers and visitors to your business
see when they arrive is the exterior of the property. How they perceive your business immediately is
influenced by the overall look, from landscaping to signage and the windows. If the front windows are coated
in grime, especially a storefront window with merchandise display, the first impression often is negative
which can have a direct impact on sales. So just call and book an appointment with invest cleaning service in
Sydney Australia.
Covid-19 window cleaning
Covid-19 spreads from person to person through small droplets, aerosols and through direct contact. Surfaces
and belongings can also be contaminated with covid-19 when people with the infection cough or sneeze or touch
them. Keeping your distance, washing your hands regularly, good respiratory hygiene, cleaning window surfaces
and keeping indoor window spaces well cleaned are the most important ways to reduce the spread of covid-19. We
also do disinfectant fogging method to remove germs from windows. Keeping some good hygiene for yourself,
other residential place and commercial place will give you a covid-19 free life.
Deck and patio cleaning
The best deck and driveway cleaning service is Sydney Australia. Regular deck cleaning can not only help keep
your deck looking good, but it will also help to remove any potentially harmful contaminants that could cause
damage to your deck's surface over time. With regular deck cleaning, you can effectively remove these
contaminants and extend the life of your deck. Rain causes mold, mildew, and algae to spread on a deck's
surface. The importance of deck cleaning and maintenance is not only to benefit its appearance, it also curbs
the negative effects of growths, making your deck a safe place to relax and entertain. We always follow the
Australian government’s cleaning rules. So we know how to do the cleaning procedure well. Pressure washing your
driveway will prevent harmful growths such as mold, mildew, algae, and moss. These growths can gradually eat
away at your driveway surface, resulting in safety hazards and costly repairs down the road. At invest cleaning
we always consider the customer safety and cleanliness. Just call us and book an appointment.
Soft washing
When searching for a professional company to clean your residential & commercial exterior and windows, look for
a company who uses a soft wash method. Soft washing uses a very low pressure and relies on a biodegradable
solution to clean your home & office. This low pressure method is safer your siding and your windows. The
solution combined with the soft wash will remove the mildew, algae, and dirt on your place and windows and it
prevents it from growing back for a much longer time than traditional pressure washing. Some soft wash companies
also offer additional window cleaning options. Here at invest cleaning service, we offer an innovative window
cleaning method that works with pure water and it not only provides a better clean but also a longer lasting
clean. We like to say it’s like rain-x on your car windshield. The pure water system that we use makes your
windows hydrophobic and any dirty or water that lands on the window throughout the year, will bead up and run
right off.
Does every surface need to be cleaned and disinfected?
You don’t need to clean and disinfect every surface. The virus is transmitted by breathing in droplets produced
by an infected person coughing or sneezing, or contact with contaminated surfaces, so you only need to clean
surfaces that are touched or otherwise contaminated. This is true whether the touching is deliberate (e.g. A
door knob, windows) or incidental (e.g. Brushing a door when reaching for the door knob, disinfecting to the
windows). There are some surfaces that are never touched (e.g. Ceilings and cracks and crevices in machinery)
and these do not need to be cleaned and disinfected.
What is the difference between cleaning and disinfecting?
Cleaning means to physically remove germs (bacteria and viruses), dirt and grime from surfaces using a
detergent and water solution. A detergent is a surfactant that is designed to break up oil and grease with the
use of water.
Disinfecting means using chemicals to kill germs on surfaces. It’s important to clean before disinfecting
because dirt and grime can reduce the ability of disinfectants to kill germs. The following disinfectants are
suitable for use on hard surfaces (that is, surfaces where any spilt liquid pools, and does not soak in):
alcohol in a concentration of at least 70%, chlorine bleach in a concentration of 1000 parts per million, oxygen
bleach, or wipes and sprays that contain quaternary ammonium compounds. These chemicals will be labelled as
‘disinfectant’ on the packaging and must be diluted or used following the instructions on the packaging to be
What’s the difference between frequently touched and infrequently touched surfaces?
A frequently touched surface is a surface that is touched multiple times each day, regardless of whether it is
touched by the same person or different people. Door handles and taps are examples of frequently touched
An infrequently touched surface is any surface that is not touched more than once each day. If you are unsure,
you should treat your surface as if it is frequently touched.
What are the best products for cleaning and disinfecting?
When cleaning it is best to use detergent and warm water. This will break down grease and grime so that the
surface can be wiped clean. Anything labelled as a detergent will work. Disinfectants should only be used once
the surface is fully cleaned.
Disinfectants that are suitable for use on hard surfaces (that is, surfaces where any spilt liquid pools, and
does not soak in) include: alcohol in a concentration of at least 70%, chlorine bleach in a concentration of
1000 parts per million, oxygen bleach, or wipes and sprays that contain quaternary ammonium compounds. These
chemicals will be labelled as ‘disinfectant’ on the packaging and must be diluted or used following the
instructions on the packaging to be effective.
If using a store-bought disinfectant, choose one that has antiviral activity, meaning it can kill viruses. This
should be written on its label. Alternately, diluted bleach can be used. If using freshly made bleach solution,
follow the manufacturer’s instructions for appropriate dilution and use. It will only be effective when diluted
to the appropriate concentration. Note that pre-diluted bleach solutions lose effectiveness over time and on
exposure to sunlight.
Useful link:-
COVID-19 Information for workplaces | Safe Work Australia
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