Our carpet cleaning services help extend your carpet’s life, offer a deeper clean than you could ever achieve with normal methods and make your home a more comfortable place to live.
At invest cleaning, we understand that homeowners often forget about cleaning their carpets. After all, when it’s constantly underfoot, your carpet follows along with the old adage “out of sight, out of mind.” Moreover, since your carpet gradually becomes dirtier and dirtier over time, you may not even realize the difference that cleaning it could make. Of course, these perceptions don’t change the reality that your carpet requires regular cleaning. Understanding a cost-benefit analysis of invest cleaning’s carpet cleaning can help you make the decision to invest in this professional service for the benefit of your family’s comfort and your wallet.
Without professional cleaning, which goes in-depth to reach the dirt and grime located near your carpet’s backing, the carpet will show visible signs of dirt and wear. These telltale signs may not be noticeable to the naked eye, but you might be able to smell them. In addition to eventually looking and smelling unappealing, a carpet that isn’t professionally cleaned is likely to break down faster than a carpet that is cared for by a professional cleaning company like invest cleaning.
Our professional carpet cleaning includes, stain and dust removal, deodorizing and odor removal, steam cleaning, oil/grease removal and general carpet vacuuming.